
Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane has to be the most badass name for a food product in the world. Well, at the very least, it's a cooler name than broccolini or gooseberry. Unsurprising to everyone, it comes with a lot of powerful benefits.

We know what you're thinking. Lion's Mane has to be the most badass name for a food product in the world. Well, at the very least, it's a cooler name than broccolini or gooseberry. Unsurprising to everyone, it comes with a lot of powerful benefits. 

Lion's Mane can be enjoyed raw, cooked, dried, or steeped as a tea, so we've added it to Okana Coffee Alternative to give each cup a robust flavor and texture, and to give your mind, heart, and gut the boost that your body needs to operate at peak form. 

Lion's Mane has been used for medicinal purposes in places like Korea, Japan, China, and India for hundreds of years. Why? Glad you asked. Here are just a few of the benefits associated with this fortified fungus: 

  • Known to improve attention and focus
  • Helps relieve mild symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • May speed recovery from Nervous System injuries
  • Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract
  • Reduces heart disease risk

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